Thursday, August 04, 2005

Die Führer, the Ah Sia Kia and I

Current Song in Head: Blower's Daughter, Damien Rice

Woke up to the sound of rolling thunder this morning. And went straight back to sleep. Life as an unemployed can't get better than this. But was jolted awake by a call from a recruitment consultant, informing me that she'll have to meet me for a pre-interview before my interview with her client, Some-Company-In-Tuas.

Anyway, I'll like to share my thoughts on unemployment. Having recently graduated and not really having worked before (waitering doesn't count cause it isn't office work and the army, well is just a load of bull, wait to rush, rush to wait, senseless, mindless), unemployment has been a real joy for me. Ok, those of you who know me will probably know that my family is pretty well to do and some would even call me an Ah Sia Kia. I'm fine with that.

Rule Number 16.2 of the Ah Sia Kia Code of Conduct: Thou shall enjoy the riches of life as much as possible but thou shall not disappoint the family by behaving like a bum.

In short, I have to find a job eventually. This means that I'm the same as the rest of the fresh graduates, just that I have the advantage of having a little more cash and thus able to bum slightly longer... Or so I thought... My 'advantage' has just been eliminated by Die Führer in the evening of August 2, 2005.

On that faithful evening, i was sitting on the front porch, cleaning my pair of rusty rollerblades when Die Führer's motorcade came rolling into my driveway.

"Huh, you still want to rollerblade with your hand like that?" Die Führer grunted in reference to my recently sprained wrist.

"Ya, I blade with my legs wat, not my hands," I replied nonchalently.

"Then how did you injured your wrist while blading?"

"I fell down lor."

"So?!?! You better not go blading until your wrist heals!"

"Aiyah, I don't INTEND to fall down this time..."

Ok, sounds like I'm asking for it right? Haha... I'm amused with my own answer. But obviously Die Führer isn't. He stormed into the house and changes to his walking outfit (Die Führer does not run, he walks) and stormed back to the front porch.

"I'm cutting your allowance from September onwards," he spat.

And then he storms out the main gate for his evening stroll.

So in one clean swipe, my 'advantage' over the non-Ah Sia Kias was wiped clean. Not that I have anything to complain, I knew this would have to come sooner or later. This basically means that my current financial situation, which is bad enough as it is, will become worse in September, unless I can find gainful employment or any kind of employment for that matter.

Boy, I'm still admiring my handy work. I don't intend to fall down indeed! Here's a picture of Die Führer or should I say, Mein Vater, My Father.

Die Führer, Picture Courtesy of Thengz Studios


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