Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dang Diddily Doo!

Which Springfield Resident Are You?

You are part Ned Flanders. You see yourself as morally superior to most everyone else, and the absurdity of others can drive you nuts! Despite your kindness and honesty, though, your do-good attitude can reach an annoying degree.
You are part Duffman. You take life by the horns and the bottle by its neck. Your confidence and sense of fun, however, can occasionally get in the way of sensitivity for others.
Find Your Character @

I'm part Ned Flanders? What the fark! Don't tell me I'm a closet Chris-lover! Arggghhhh!!!!!! Jiiiihhhhhhhaaaaaadddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like the part about Duffman though. I'm as sensitive as Borat on pain killers! o_O


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