Monday, July 31, 2006

War F**king Crime...

The Israel-Lebanon conflict is becoming a bloody joke. What good is a cease fire when bombing are still continued?

A day after the Qana massacre, and the darn Israelis go back to shelling south Lebanon. Whatever support or sympathy the Israelis might have before all these senseless bombing began must have been eroded away after the Qana incident. And they still continue with their so called 'war'.

If the Nazi's massacre of innocent Jews is a war crime, the killing of innocent children during the Qana comes pretty close to it. And don't give me the crap about civilian casulties should be expected during war. 27 out of the 55 killed are children. I'm sure there are alot of 2 year old children that carry rocket launchers and fire into Israel, but these children were sleeping might I add. I wonder how the hell the Israeli 'Generals' are going to live with this...

First they hit a UN outpost, and claim that they identified the wrong target. Now this. Don't tell me with all they're high-tech gizmos, the Israelis can't identify the correct target? Bet they used the same equipment that the Americans used to 'discover' nuclear weapons in Iraq. Crap...

All this load of bull, kind of makes you wonder what these Israeli 'Generals' say when they return home to their family.

"Honey, I'm home! Destroyed a few buildings with innocent children today."

"Wow! Then you must really have had a good day at the office! We should really celebrate with our kids tonight! Lets bring them out to the movies or something."

There better be a War Crime Trial after all this blow over. Those Israeli 'Generals' should be hanged for this. Strong words, but its only fair. Don't tell me that just because you're an ally with the big US of A, you can get away with killing innocent children.
For the sake of these Israeli 'Generals', I sure as hell hope that their god is the war-loving, children killing type, cause thats the only way they are going score brownie points for their after-life...


Blogger hooeyphooey said...

Waiting for Judgement day..

9:55 PM  

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