Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Oral and Anal Sex Legal: Singaporeans Elated...

I was driving in the car this evening and listening to the radio and I'm glad to announce that oral sex and anal sex is going to be legal in Singapore. Now you guys don't have to worry when you're doing the dirty. No need to check your backsides for cops spying on you, checking the legality of your intercourse etiquette. Here's the link to the report.

Upon hearing the 'breaking' news, I couldn't help laughing. Makes you wonder how the news reader kept a straight face when she said, "Oral and anal sex in private between a consenting adult heterosexual couple, aged 16 years and above is legal." Hahahahahaha.... Boy, oh boy, has Singapore progressed. Now we just need them to make ownership of whips and handcuffs for personal recreation legal...


Blogger Owen Sia said...

Oh I'm sure you're the first to rejoice in the new legisexlation...

11:31 AM  

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