E Nomine
Finally back from Bangkok. Long anticipated return. Although it was only a 2 week trip, it seemed like ages. Partly because my package from Amazon.com has arrived at home and is waiting for me to rip it apart. American Psycho and E Nomine awaits me!
E what? E Nomine of Mitternacht (Midnight in German) fame. I'm probably still confusing the majority of you. I was first introduced to E Nomine's Mitternacht by my bro. Gothic, techno songs sang in German, what could possibly go wrong right? Hehe... And Mitternacht didn't fail to disappoint.
But for a long while my knowledge of E Nomine was just restricted to Mitternacht. Until one fine day, when I was really bored at work, and did a search for E Nomine on Youtube. And wow, their songs are all mind blowing. That was how I decided to order my E Nomine CD from Amazon.com. Can't seem to find it in any good/bad/mediocre/pathetic record stores in Singapore.
Currently playing on my blog now is Wolfen (Das Tier in Mir), absolutely love the boy soprano bit. Enjoy it while you can!
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