Saturday, May 19, 2007

Familiar Faces in Unfamiliar Places

Once again, Thengz have a few random thoughts.

You know you have done too much travelling when every country you go, you start seeing familiar faces on total strangers.

And I seem to enjoy this un-noticed observer thing. I just sit around and watch. Not that I have alot of time to sit around and watch during the week. And not that I'm an un-noticed observer. I probably stick out like an albino penguin (wonder how that looks like).

Anyway, did you know that a Thai engineer probably earns only S$500 a month? Farking 'ell. Who the hell lives on S$500 a month! The world is just so unfair! Boy, am I glad I'm the one benefitting from this unfair world! Champagnes all round!


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