Monday, December 24, 2007

Thengz is a Happy Boy!

I'm so happy! I get to work the whole day on Christmas Day's Eve and New Year's Day's Eve! Haha! Even the Singapore Stock Exchange is closed in the afternoon for Christmas Day's Eve and New Year's Day's Eve. Now, now, there is no need to get jealous employees of MNCs, European/American companies and most local companies, I'm sure you'll have your day.

Don't mind me, I think I'm on a roll. I get to work on alternate Saturdays and you losers don't! Haha! Boy oh boy, am I glad I'm not in you loser's shoes!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tis' the Season to be Receiving

Seems like everyone is so engrossed about giving during this festive season. And no one seems bothered about receiving.

I guess I'll have to do the world a huge favour and be the one to receive all the stuff that you people are giving. So guys, you can give me all the gifts that you've bought, etc. Just don't give me your phone bills and credit card bills.

The world owes me one big time. Without me, I wonder who does merry Christians are going to give their presents to.

No need to thank me for this noble sacrifice. Its the least I could do for our Father who so self-lessly sacrificed his only son for our sins. I'm just following in his footsteps.

P.S. Ever noticed how 'our Father' sacrificed his only son and not himself? Hmmmm......

Thursday, December 13, 2007

God Only Helps Those That Help Themselves

Saw this quote on a T-Shirt the other day,

God only helps those that help themselves...

What the hell?!?! If people can help themselves, they wouldn't need God's help right? Duh... Its akin to saying,"Hey! Lets donate money to the rich!" And since the people that help themselves don't need God's help and God is unwilling to help people that don't help themselves, does that mean that there isn't much for God to do? If you ask me, someone's goofing off at work! (Not me! Honest!)

Sometimes I just can't comprehend all these Christian-ish, God-dy God-dy, I-am-the-Almighty-One sayings. They just don't make much sense to me. Thats about all the ranting I have for now. Allah Ackbar!

P.S. I certainly hope I don't come off as anti-Christianity in this post. It couldn't be further from the truth. I'm anti-religion. Yeah, I'm one of those 80s, whatever that means...