Friday, March 10, 2006

Whats the matter with Fat People?

Ok, before you guys start castigating and what not, I don't have a problem with Fat People in general. Just a certain class of Fat People.

In my opinion, Fat People fall into 2 basic categories, namely the ones that knows that they are Fat, and have come to terms with it, and have a cheerful outlook in life. And there is the other sub group, and I'm using more than 1 meaning of the word 'sub' here. This group of Fat People, knows that they are fat, and because of that, they think that the rest of the world owes them something. They probably think: Since I'm fat, it means that there is one less Fat person in the universe, and you skinny dicks have to thank me for that.

To put a long story short, I had a somewhat unpleasant experience with a Cat 2 Fat Personnel this morning. All I wanted from said Fat Personnel (F.P.) is my advance for my trip to Panama which is tomorrow but F.P. had to make a meal of everything. Some random quotes from F.P.:

"Next time if you're going to take half day leave on the day before you leave, must tell me earlier." The request for advance was given to her on Tuesday, she had 3 effing days to prepare the request.

"Come back after 11am, to collect." When I returned at 12 noon, she had not even prepared the cash.

"You wait a while, I have to complete this for the boss first." I went off and do my own stuff, came back 15 minutes later, and she's still not done yet. And best of all when she told me to wait again, and I came back after that, she had the cheek to complain to another admin staff that she has to go and 'look' for me. Bloody Fat Arse.

Ok, some of the statements may look pretty harmless, but imagine each of these sentences said in a tone similar to one you would hear in a dark alley and you'll get an idea of how irritating it is. Its almost as if she is trying to kill me with her words. Kinda puts a whole new meaning to the Roberta Flack's hit single 'Killing Me Softly'. Oh yes, i'm side-tracking here, but did you know that the song 'Killing Me Softly' is actually Roberta Flack's tribute to the lyrical wizard Don Mclean of 'Vincent' and 'American Pie' fame?

Anyway, its my second last day in Singapore, and I had to spend 1 and a half hour of it pissed. 1 hour in the morning and half an hour while writing this post. Damn, I need to really strangle some Fat Arse now... And just a reminder, I have nothing against Fat People. There wasn't a Fat Couple that stole my cab while my kid brother was dying. Please do not sue me for this. Hahaha... I'm not a fatist!


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