Friday, June 15, 2007

Larnaka, Cyprus

After an arduous 20 hours plus journey from Singapore via London, I have finally reached Cyprus. To think that in another few hours time, I would be making the same long journey back to Singapore is mind boggling. All this effort just to attend some stupid meeting for half a day. The worst part is, the meeting didn't go too well for us. Not that I care too much about it though.

Anyway, back to the topic of Cyprus. I touched down at something like 5 am in the morning and was thus lucky enough to share the Cyprus sunrise with my colleague. What a romantic moment. Only problem is, the colleague is a guy. Haha... Took a picture of the sunrise. Doesn't look as nice on photos as I was experiencing it though. There's something about the cool crisp morning air that makes the experience better than the photo. And the fact that the photo is taken in a car park doesn't really help.

Next up, while having breakfast, I was amazed to see the view that the hotel have. Its facing the Mediterranean Sea. Yeah farkers, I've seen the Mediterranean Sea. Hoho... Notice how the sea and the sky seem to blend into one? Cool man....

Its just a pity that I didn't bring my DSLR Camera with me. Not that I know how to use it. Here's another picture of the sea. The sand actually doesn't look too great, so I took one picture without any sand in it.

The sea is actually very calm. No waves crashing sound. Almost lake-like. Darn, wish I could be on holiday here and not on work assignment! Ah well, sure beats not being here at all.

Alright, now I can check Cyprus off my list of countries I haven't been. I just have to visit another 150 more and I should have seen every country in the world. O_o


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