Thursday, November 29, 2007

I have Big Bird.

Which Sesame Street Character Are You?

You are part Big Bird. You are something of an eccentric, and not everyone always gives you credit for your inventiveness and intelligence. You may not always know everything, but people turn to you for your sound, unique logic. Plus, you have a big heart. Really big.
You are part Oscar the Grouch. You can be gruff and often have a chip on your shoulder. Despite your intelligence, manners (and cleanliness) are of little importance to you. At the same time, you have a few very close friends who you allow to see a softer, kinder side of you.
Find Your Character @

3 Quizzes in a row! I must be really bored...

And there seems to be some conflict. Maybe I'm really Jessica (see previous post). I have a big heart and yet I'm Oscar the Grouch? Hahaha... Nutz...

I'm a bitch...

Which Heroes Character Are You?

You are part Jessica. You are a two-faced bitch most of the time. Friends are friends, and enemies don't want to be your enemies. No one messes with you.
You are part Claire. You're naive and still getting used to your abilities. Some more experience and assertiveness would be good for you.
Find Your Character @

Somehow, I always knew I look better in skirts...

Dang Diddily Doo!

Which Springfield Resident Are You?

You are part Ned Flanders. You see yourself as morally superior to most everyone else, and the absurdity of others can drive you nuts! Despite your kindness and honesty, though, your do-good attitude can reach an annoying degree.
You are part Duffman. You take life by the horns and the bottle by its neck. Your confidence and sense of fun, however, can occasionally get in the way of sensitivity for others.
Find Your Character @

I'm part Ned Flanders? What the fark! Don't tell me I'm a closet Chris-lover! Arggghhhh!!!!!! Jiiiihhhhhhhaaaaaadddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like the part about Duffman though. I'm as sensitive as Borat on pain killers! o_O

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


A thought just crossed my mind while I was watching the world go by today.

Do Hobbits wank with their feet very often? How else do you explain the hairy feet that Frodo and Samwise has? o_O

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Abstract Orb

Hola Amigos!

I'm back again. Sorry Wee Y, got to bore you with more of my photography shite! Check out my stab at abstract art!

Impressive shite eh? Well, with Photoshop and step by steps instructions from this link: , anyone can be an abstract photographer. Ha! Enjoy!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Inane Question of the Day #6413

Why is it that, sometimes after we pee, we shiver abit? o_O