Friday, August 12, 2005

My Unhealthy Preference for Male Actors Explained.

Current Song in Head: Be Yourself, Audioslave

Whenever my friends ask me who my favourite actors or actresses of all time is, they tend to get a rude shock from my answer. Ok, to cut to the chase, my current favourites are Johnny Depp, Ewan McGregor and Jude Law.

My friends' next reaction would be a look of disbelieve and followed by any 'gay' related comment. "How come all male actors? You swing the other way?" they would lament.

Nope, I'm not gay, although I'm flattered to be thought as one. Gays tend to have rather good fashion sense, something which I would hope to have. Haha... The explanation is rather simple. I'm as straight as straight can be, which is why my favourite actors are all males.

Wait a minute, he must have lost his mind, you must be thinking. Ok, before you chuck me to the looney bin, hear my reasoning first. The reason may make me sound like a male chauvinist pig, but its a valid reason nevertheless.

Ok, first of all, I'm very much smittened by most of the Hong Kong/Taiwan/Hollywood/Bollywood actresses out there. Except for Britney Spears in Crossroads, she should stick to something she is good at, which is selling sneakers. But since I'm so in awe by these divine beauties, its hard for me to appreciate their acting. Consequently, since I'm not gay, and not attracted to good looking men, it is easier for me to appreciate good acting. Simple as that.

For the record, currently I would rank Johnny Depp as my favourite actor, considering the varying type of roles he has taken up in his career. Ewan McGregor is a close second and he still has a pretty long career ahead of him. Jude Law is a distant 3rd. He seems to be getting himself into the stereotype playboy role. Time for Jude to start looking at other roles.

Here's something for all the gays out there:


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