Thursday, December 22, 2005

NKF Gives Charity Organisations a Bad Name!

Current Mood: Somewhat-pissed-but-couldn't-give-a-damn-but-still-want-to-whine-mood

Alright, you must be thinking, so whats new? Why am I flogging a dead horse? Well, thats cause I've e-mail prove that some big f**k from my company feels that charities are not a good thing. And it kinda pissed me off!

Here's an e-mail i received from another big f**k in the company.

Dear All

The effort and time spent by you and the Committee is for a good cause and commendable. Charity comes from the heart and not from the mouth. We should not be afraid of doing what is right.

I had a discussion with CEO this morning on some concerns that Old Mr Lee* has.

(a) CEO suggests the Committee to keep it low profile, i.e., don't be so "loud" about the activity.

(b) Let's not send out email to "Everyone" from now on. Send emails to the relevant people where necessary.

(c) Old Mr Lee* doesn't want staff to spend unnecessary time during working hours for non-office works. Let's do whatever we can after office hours. Please check if the visit can be done in the afternoon on 21/1/06.

(d) Old Mr Lee* is not in favour of Ren Ci because he has the perception that Ren Ci like NKF received a lot of donations from the public through the media. They don't need any donation from us. I told CEO that we may not be able to change because you guys may have contacted Ren Ci and agreed on the date of visit already.

Let me know what I can help. Please do not loose heart in doing what is right and good for the society, company and yourself.

Warmest Regards
Amy Yip*

(*Names of parties have been changed to protect the identity of the children, er, I mean company.)

Do note the parts which I have hi-lighted in blue.

Ok, to start with, the CEO wants the Committee to keep a low profile. Alright, how the f**k are we going to keep a low profile if we are suppose to collect donations from everyone from the company? From the beginning, we were told that the company would donate a dollar for each dollar that a staff donates, up to a maximum of $5,000. So obviously we want to try the best to reach at least a $5,000 target right? And how the hell are we going to do that if we do not involve everyone in the company? For your information, the company has a total strength of about 500, of which about 300 plus are factory workers. You do the mathes.

Point number 2, send the e-mail to the relevant people and not use everyone. Alright, can someone enlighten me here? Unless I got it wrong, this is a company thing right? Bloody twats. The next time there is a donation drive, I'll expect each of those big f**ks to donate a thousand quid, that way, I would only require to send the e-mail to these few 'relevant' people.

Lastly, and the most damning of all, is that Old Mr Lee has the perception that Ren Ci hospital is like NKF. I suppose that one swallow makes a summer and a single snowflake makes a winter eh? Jeez... Which goes to show that TT Durai and NKF has done a superb job of brainwashing Singaporeans into thinking that charities that rely on the media are money grabbing organisations.

Imagine this, if charities were to not use the media as a form of publicizing their cause, would anyone give a damn? Maybe all the volunteers in a charity organisation should go from door to door and ask for donations, yeah, that would be a really quick way to raise money for that kid that requires a heart transplant urgently.

For Christ sake, we're living in the 21st Century! We've got technology! We've got communication capabilities! Bloody use it! Whats the point of not relying on the media, when it can help you achieve your task in a shorter period of time? Maybe Old Mr Lee should walk to work cause his Mercedes Benz pollutes the air? Or he might consider sending his mails using the post office, cause e-mails will make poor Mr Postman out of job?

Sheesh... The more I think about this the more pissed I become. Bleah... Better end this entry while I still can. And just in case you're wondering why I named him Old Mr Lee, check out the photos below.

Big F**k and LKY, separated at birth?

Even their mannerism and history are almost identical. Pioneer of the company/country and very unwilling to let it go. Of course, to call either of them a despot would be asking for a good rollicking eh? Hehe.... Ciao for now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

erm.. do u have enough money to be sued by Mr Lxx?

and putting BOTH their pix on the WORLD WIDE web dont seem very wise.

2:43 AM  
Blogger Thengz said...

Well, it sure as hell is better than putting down his real name. But don't you think the 2 of them look damn alike?!?

Even their mothers have difficulty telling them apart!

9:25 AM  
Blogger junKiT said...

hmm.. IF ITS NOT FROM THE HEART, ITS NOT WORTH THE EFFORT.. Sadly not many bosses understand tt..

3:19 PM  

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