Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Faulty Human Radio

I have a colleague. Lets call him Frank. Frank is on the wrong side of 30, has a wife, a young son and is expecting another boy in a few months time. Frank is your typical programmer. He goes to work, does his programming and goes home to his family.

However, do not be deceived by what seems like a normal person, for Frank is a faulty human radio. Yep, he is the humanoid form of that radio which you can't switch off. For when Frank engages you in a conversation, he does not stop.

Frank will rattle on and on about his program, the difficulties he is facing, how he is going to solve it, how he is going to improve his program, what he did in his previous company, how he managed to fool his boss last time, how he organised activities, how he takes a shit. Ok maybe not how he takes a shit, but he keeps talking and talking and talking and talking. Non-stop.

Even when you're not interested and stare blankly into the horizon, he'll still stick onto you and continue talking. Being a polite person, I would try to nod once in awhile to show that I am listening. But in truth, I'm hearing but not listening. Just like the radio I play when I'm driving or studying. Just like the droning sound of the air-con. Just like the distant sound of cars whizzing by on the highway. Hearing but not listening.

And the best part about all this is, Frank does not notice that you're not listening. He is so full of himself that his conversations are mostly monologues and yet he does not notice the lack of participation from the other party. Short of telling directly in his face that you're not interested in making a 'conversation' with him, there doesn't seem to be any way to shut him up. Besides, if you do tell him that you're not interested in him talking, he probably won't be able to hear you.

It is people like Frank which makes you wonder, am I like this when I'm talking? Do I get so engrossed with myself that I don't notice that the other party isn't participating? Hmmm.... This monologue has gone long enough. Maybe I am like Frank... D'oh!


Blogger hooeyphooey said...

The world's full of them. Just cant seem to shut them down. Yes, by making these statements, i am assuming i'm not faulty, but nevertheless, still a human radio. A CRAPPy one! keep those posts coming. A good laugh while i am documenting stuffs..

12:26 AM  

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