Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I think I've just stumbled upon a pot of gold here.

You know how when you're young, you are taught to strive for the best, to put in your best effort and to be number one? And as you grow up, it gets harder and harder to achieve it, primarily because your competitors don't consist of the dumb hulking bully who picks on your during recess and the mute boy who muttered his first words at primary 4?

This is when you start to think, am I lousy? Why is it that everything that I touch don't turn to gold? In fact, why is it that everything I touch turn to dust?

Actually, the answer is much simplier than that. And don't be such an egomaniac, forever thinking that the reason centres around you. The fact of the matter is, not everyone is a winner. And to get our expectations right, here are some Demotivator posters to guide you along!

First up, how do we cope with defeat? In fact, if you've been a regular reader of my blog, you might remember me mentioning something like this in my Tuesdays With Morrie post...

Next up, for those of you who seem to have screwed up your life. I'm not being mean here, but as I type this, that Australian Vietnamese drug-trafficker just comes to mind...

And here's one for the kids. I'm sure we all have dreams when we were young. At some stage in our childhood, we might have dreamt of being a pilot or an astronaunt. Or in my case, a dinosaur. But the truth is...

You know that bloody over-achiever in your office? The guy that is only 26 years old and yet he stays in a condominium and drives a swanky Mini Cooper? Well, here's a warning to him...

The next one is one of my favourite. Its a wonder that all that Discovery Channel watching haven't thought me something useful. Thank goodness for this poster. And I don't think we should go against nature. A wise man once told me,"You can f**k around with anything, but don't f**k around with nature."

The next time someone calls you a lazy bum, prepare this retort for them...

The following poster confirms my suspicions. I've been observing this ever since I started work. Thank goodness I don't really feel pressure but there certainly are alot of basketcases around...

Sigh... Here's some advice for someone, might be a little late though...

The next one is pretty familiar. Wonder if there is any copyright infringement... Hmmm...

And here's my favourite. It pretty much explains why there are so many robotic looking faces out there...

Finally, this is probably the one that started it all. A kick in the groin for those dumb motivational posters...

More Demotivator Posters can be found at http://www.despair.com/viewall.html. Quite a number of gems there.


Blogger junKiT said...

wow.. nice one bro!

8:35 PM  
Blogger Thengz said...

Hey, nice to see you drop a comment here too! =)

11:05 PM  

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