Wednesday, March 15, 2006

First 3 Days in Panama

Hola Amigos! 3 days have passed since I landed in Singapore, but it seems much longer. Darn... Miss biting/hugging/kissing my Little Princess. Hehe, better not say too much here, later you fellas die of mushiness...

Anyway, after I landed in Panama, I was god damn sleepy. The first 2 leg of the journey, Singapore-Taiwan and Taiwan-Los Angeles, wasn't too bad cause its with SIA. But once we switched over to Copa Airlines at Los Angeles, it was hell. Seats a cramp, barely any leg room, the Chinaman behind me kept kicking my seat and his entire family seems oblivious to the existence of the other sleeping passengers already them. I swear to god, Chinamen have the loudest mouth. You can't call me anti-chinese cause this is a fact. Show me a Chinaman that doesn't talk loudly and I'll show you a Singaporean that isn't kiasu.

Despite being sleepy as hell, we still went for lunch at a food court. Yummy... Lunch was great. Here's a picture of my lunch.

Grilled beef with some french fries and salad. Doesn't seem to look as good as it taste. But trust me, it was good. Then again, to me, you can't go wrong with beef.

After lunch, we went to some trade fair thing at some exhibition hall. In my opinion it was a waste of time. Come all the way to Panama, and I see a fair on things from other parts of the world.

We had dinner at TGIF. And then it occurred to me that TGIF no longer exist in Singapore. Kena booted out by Fish & Co. at the glass house. Didn't take any photos there. In fact, I kinda forgotten about my camera for the pass few days.

OK, to cut a long story short, the past 2 days I went to the casino. Lost 10 bucks on the first day, lost 40 on the 2nd. Should really stop going, otherwise I'll just give the Singapore government not to start an 'Integrated Resort' in Singapore. Still don't understand why they just call a dog a dog or a cat a cat, must go thru all that word twisting. Casino then casino lah, what the fark is an Integrated Resort? Duh...

Other weird things that happened to me today:

Tried to buy blankets from a store, I couldn't speak Spanish, salesgirl couldn't speak English, so I had to play charades with her. Seems like tourists can get away with acting stupid. This is something I won't imagine myself doing in Singapore. In the end I managed to buy a blanket, so whoopee, I won the game... And some how, everyone in Panama just assumes an asian to be a Japanese. The salesgirl thought I was from Tokyo and on the way back from the casino, I walked past a cab driver and he started mimicking a Jap to me. Duh... Maybe when I go to work tommorrow I'll assume all hispanics to be Speedy Gonzales. Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Yibah, yibah, andele, andele!


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