Saturday, April 22, 2006


Something really weird happened yesterday. I was at work, and Wee Y msn'ed me.

Tonight you free for dinner?

Should be free. Why?

I'm meeting alc for dinner.

ALC as in Ang Lai Chiang?!?!


But how come suddenly meet him? Forgot to hand in your mathes homework is it?? Haha...

For those of you not familiar with my secondary school life, ALC or Ang Lai Chiang was my secondary 3 and 4 mathes teacher. And if there was ever a teacher that left the greatest (good) impression on me, it had to be him. He never fail to give us mathes assignment to do everyday. And the best part is, when we hand in our assignment in the morning, he would return us the assignment by the afternoon on the same day. There were times when we had a test in the morning and we would get our test paper back before the day's end. Talk about being a dedicated teacher.

But Mr Ang would best be remembered for his various 'creative' ways of punishing students for not handing in work. This range from standing on the table for the entire lesson, where the guilty student would be asked how the air was up there, to asking the student to attend the entire class under the table. Yep, really weird kinds of punishment.

Anyway, besides Wee Y and I, another classmate of mine, Zhiwei, also met Mr Ang for dinner at Goodwood Park Hotel. Apparently, Zhiwei was driving along Bukit Timah Road the week before, and suddenly he felt the urge to pay our alma-mater a visit. He managed to have a chat with our form teacher, but was unable to get hold of Mr Ang because he wasn't around. But he did manage to get Mr Ang's handphone number and the rest, as they say, is history.

Its probably a cliché to say this, but during the conversation, we pretty much reminiscence about the time we had in school, how we were subjected to various punishments, how our fellow classmates are doing now, how the school has changed, etc. Its funny, we may have aged, but Mr Ang still looks very much the same. He still speaks with the same quick short and sharp tone. He still has the same spring in his step. Perhaps the one thing that has changed is that he doesn't wear his trademark Power shoes any more.

All in all, it was certainly a great evening, and I'm glad I met them. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. I guess thats the feeling of nostalgia.


Blogger Ruffy aka CCL said...

hahha Mr Ang was my Maths teacher too!! HAHHAA... Its really easy to rem him The way he speaks, his specs, the way he walks... =)

10:42 AM  
Blogger Thengz said...

Haha... Yep. I kena stand on table before. Some more it was in my brother's class. He taught my brother's class too. o_O

11:58 AM  

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