Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Panama Canal

After 3 weeks in Panama, I finally got the chance to go to the Panama Canal. Well, at least thats better than my colleague. He has been to Panama 5 times and this is the first time he went to the Canal. Not going to comment much for this post, since a picture speak a thousand words, 40 plus pictures should mean that I have blabbed 40,000 words. I'm too lazy to link the pictures one by one, so here's the link to the pictures on Flickr.

Here's a gist of the trip. The nice looking building in the photos, the one with the flight of stairs, thats called Miraflores. Cool name huh? Sounds something right out of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Anyway, we went to the museum in it, learnt abit about the Canal and then had a long buffet lunch at the restaurant there. Was able to catch 2 or 3 ships passing through the Canal during our lunch.

After that we took a drive near the Canal area, and came to a bridge that crosses the Canal. Apparently this bridge is a new bridge which they completed building last year. Alright, thats all I'm gonna say, hopefully the pictures can fill in the gaps.


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