Tuesday, March 21, 2006

First Week in Panama

A week has passed since I landed in Panama. It hasn't been a disappointment nor has it been filled with excitement. And I'll admit, I have yet to visit the Panama Canal as yet. Hopefully I'll be able to check that off my list of things to do before I die next weekend.

I must say, so far the highlight of the trip has been my visits to the casino. At the time of posting this blog, as it stands, the casino has won 70 bucks from me and I've only won US$25.50 from it. Here's a short list of things I have learnt in the casino.

1. Play Blackjack, there is a much higher chance of winning than the darn Poker or Roulette.

2. When you win, freaking take the money and go. Various reasons that may make you want to stay, such as: its still early or lets start a table on our own are just reasons to make you lose your winnings. I've learnt both lessons the hard way. Crap...

3. Stay in a casino for at most an hour. I have yet to master this, but if you can't win anything within that hour, chances are you'll lose even more. And if you have won after an hour, your luck have probably ran out, don't bother staying any longer. I could have won 40 bucks in one night if I've stuck to that rule.

Ok, thats all for my casino gibberish. Besides being famous for their countless casinos, Panama has lots of leather goods going for a song. Here's a picture of a pair of casual leather shoes I got for a pittance. 10 US dollars to be exact. Thats S$16 for a pair of leather shoes.

Spiffy Columbian Leathered Shoe from Panama:

I think I'll probably get myself another pair or 2 leather shoes before I return to Singapore.

Last weekend, the Project Manager for Panama decided to have a BBQ and she invited the Columbians and Panamanian workers over for the BBQ. And boy, are they a rowdy bunch. They drink like there is no tomorrow. Here's some pictures of the BBQ. The best part of the BBQ have to be the roast beef. Marinated and roasted to perfection. Yummy....

Oh yes, and the Panama skies I really beautiful. Pretty interesting colours. Somehow, for this trip, I'm easily fascinated by the colours of the skies. Was mesmerized by 2 sunrise and 2 sunsets on the flight to Panama, and now I'm amazed by the setting sun. Now all I need is a fishing rod and some abangs to make my transformation complete...

And one last paragraph to end things off. After staying in Panama for a week, there is one distinct trait that I've noticed about Panamanians: they aren't exactly big fans of punctuality. Thus when I come across this advertisment for an airline, I had to take a picture, only in Panama can you expect a tagline like this:

P.S. This post have been extremely difficult to post as I had alot of problems with the photo uploading, thus I've decided to upload all my photos onto Webshots in the future. Click here to see my Panama album.


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