Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Please Don't Vote! Really!

So long suckers! I'm off to Australia! 2 weeks! Woo Hoo! And please don't vote! Haha! I'm using reverse psychology! Or thats what I want you to think! I'm actually using reverse-reverse psychology! Not! I'm using reverse-reverse-reverse-psychology. Or not! Yadda yadda yadda...

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Post-It@Youth.SG: Is This Art?

Metallic Ball at the entrance of the UN Building, New York

At first sight, it may look just like a badly damaged bearing from a World War II German ball bearings factory. Hell, it looks like one of those robots from Transformer in the midst of its transformation. Some of you might even quote a young ill-informed Jedi with a bad 70s hairdo and say 'what a piece of junk' this useless piece of art is, but to me, this Great Ball of Metal speaks volume.

Yep, its like the Earth screaming. "Stop the pollution! Can't you see that I'm dying? My core is rusting! A hole is tearing across my surface! I love Al Gore!" Ok, maybe not the 'I love Al Gore' bit.

In a bid not to sound too preachy or Green Peacey, I'll end here.

P.S. Don't use plastic bags! Don't use styro-foam! Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! Reproduce!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Inner Mongolia Imminent, Mixed feelings from Thengz

For the next week and a half, I can literally tell people I work in Inner Mongolia. This is like one of those life lessons. Don't sprout nonsense for may become true!

Gone are the days where Inner Mongolia meant Tuas and Siberia meant Woodlands.

Yipee Kai Ya, I'm going to the real Inner Mongolia. I don't know whether to be happy or to be sad. O_o

I'll keep you posted and you will be the first to know when I hump a goat die in a sand storm have a great Mongolian buffet feast.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Thengz the Vandal

Vandalising public property is a good de-stressing therapy. Now I understand why Michael Fay did it.

For the longest time, I have been unable to sleep late during weekends, no thanks to a bloody neighbour that has been renovating his/her/its house for the better part of 2 years. When I drove past the house in question today, there was a sign that says the expected date of completion was '2006'. Well, half of 2007 have already passed, so I figured, someone has to update the sign. Who better to do it than his/her/its neighbour? After all, thats what good all neighbours do right?

And so....

Thengz is a happy boy.

P.S.: Thengz does not condone the act of vandalism, but if it helps make you feel better, then go ahead!

Random Thoughts #513

With all the 80's children's TV programme being made into movies, I wonder when Hollywood is going to make a movie of Aksi Mat Yoyo...

I totally dig Aksi Mat Yoyo....

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Wrongly Constructed Phrases that Irritate the Hell out of Me #1422

"I don't think so its like this."

What the fark. Its either 'I don't think so,' or 'I don't think its like this.' Why the hell must the 'so' be in the middle of the sentence? My boss has been using this phrase during his phone conversation for the entire morning. I feel like shoving the bloody phone up his bloody arse.

Note to readers: Thengz have low tolerance for the butchering of the English language. That isn't to say he is not guilty of butchering the English language himself. Yes, I don't think so Thengz is not guilty of butchering the English language.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Imbalance in the Music World

The Spice Girls have re-united. Their re-unification have only been slightly balanced by the re-union of The Verve.

So there is still imbalance in the Forces of the Music World. We need at least Audioslave to re-unite to tilt the Force to the good side. Either that, or we need Britney Shite to die.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Transformer: More Than Meets The Eye

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." - Optimus Prime

Ah, that explains slavery!