Monday, August 29, 2005

Sniffing Arse and Psycho Dogs

Current Song in Head: Clubbed to Death, Rob Dougan

Just got back from a round of night blading (read: in-line skating at night), and it was really enjoyable. Simply love the smell of the warm salty sea breeze feeling my nose, the feeling of breezing through East Coast Park and the parking of my car. Erm... Hmmm.... Doesn't sound right.

Anyway, back to the point, when you're alone skating in the night, you tend to notice things that you would otherwise not pick up when you're with your friends. I'm not talking about sightings of paranoia or couples making out here, although if you're lucky/unlucky, you might catch some of the latter. Rather, I'm talking abt interesting but inane things.

Today, I came across 2 such incidents. The first was a little less interesting. A group of friends were walking their dogs, mostly Jack Russels. And this group came a cross a cat. Subsequently, the group of dogs just went psycho and started barking at the cat. Thankfully, the owners had the dogs leashed. In any case, the kitty seems rather nonchalent about this.

Although it was cornered at a tree trunk it just stared at the Jack Russels without a tinge of fear. I know some pussies that would just scamper up the tree or shit in their boots, but not this kitty. Heck, I won't be surprised if this kitty was actually saying something like, "Neh, nanny-boo boo, you can't catch me! You're leashed and I'm not!"

Sometimes I wonder, are dogs dumb or what? Ever noticed how cats always get the better of dogs in comics? And how dogs are always potrayed as a dumb animal? Odie always got his arse kicked by Garfied.

Talking about arses, the second incident that I came across today involved some arse sniffing. Yep, arse sniffing, not arse licking. After the Psycho Dogs Incident, I came across yet another group of dogs lovers walking their dogs. This time they were mostly Golden Retrievers. Okay, there was this particular Golden Retriever which seems to be having a field day sniffing another Golden Retriever's arse.

And then this got me thinking. Arse sniffing may well be the way a dog checks out the babes/bitches. I'm sure all of you have a friend that would check out every babe in the room by rudely staring at them. Well, in the dog's world, arse sniffing is equivalent to rudely staring at girls. The following conversation probably happened at a bar for dogs.

"Hey Rusty, check out that bitch, some nice smelling arse she has," commented Spot

Rusty proceeds to place his sniffer at the bitch's arse.

"Yeah, Spot, couldn't agree with you more, great arse."

"You can't go wrong with an arse smelling like that," howled Spot.

"Bet-cha she's a real tigress in the Kennel," offered Rusty.

Yep, I certainly think that arse sniffing is a dog's way of checking out the bitches. Alrighty, thats all for now. Should go blading at night more often, then I'll be able to come up with my inane and insane ideas. Ciao for now!


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