Monday, September 26, 2005

No Man's Land

Current Song in Head: Love Foolosophy, Jamiroquai

I thought I've seen it all.

It all started with the location of my industrial attachment company. Its situated right beside Alexandra Distripark and Alexandra Industrial Park. It was then when it dawned on me that my future working place would have some pathetic, industrial sounding names like these.

Shite, I'm probably going to work in a godforsaken place where everything around me is either grey or industrial blue. Don't ask me what industrial blue looks like, you'll know it when you see it.

My worse fears were confirmed when I started work at my current company. Located at the hearts of Inner Mongolia, its along a road called Benoi Sector. Who the fish calls a road Benoi Sector?!?! What the hell was the government/LTA/Road Naming Association of Singapore thinking when they decided to name a particular road with 'Sector' in it? Are they trying to make a fool of the people working there?

Well, they certainly acheive that in my case. Really bugs me that I work in Benoi Sector. Sounds god damn industrial with a slight military tinge to it.

And I thought I got it bad...

It just occurred to me today that there are people working in worse off sounding places. One of my company's suppliers paid a visit today. She handed me a catalogue of the company's products. I took a look at the cover of the catalogue. Lo and behold, printed proudly on the cover of the catalogue was the address of the company.

Woodlands Sector.

Hmmmm... Thats not too bad, at least I know there are people working in other 'Sectors' around Singapore, I thought

And then I read the next line.

Woodlands Spectrum.

Jesus Christ! Do people really name their buildings with Spectrum? My god... Now I really have seen it all. If they are out to make the engineers' life miserable, the management of Woodlands Spectrum were spot on.

I don't know if its me, but this must rank right up there in the list of Industrial sounding locations. Thank goodness I'm not working there. I'll probably go to the highest floor of Woodlands Spectrum, jump, and splatter my body on Woodlands Sector.

P.S. Anyone heard of more industrial sounding road names or building names? Do drop me a comment!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

engineers so sad meh? don't you have better things to do than gripe over road/building names, like design the next ipod or smth?

9:57 PM  

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