Friday, September 16, 2005

Oreos Heaven

Current Song in Head: Yellow, Coldplay

I've just completed my course in Visual Basic .Net. As some of you might know, I've sold my soul to the devil and would be living a boring existence as a software engineer for god knows how long. In order to get me prepared for this boring existence, my company sent me for this Visual Basic .Net course. Not too sure how much I've learnt there, but in order to seem professional, I'll just pretend that I've learn lots of stuff there.

Ok, let me cut to the chase. During one of my many breaks in the course of my 5 day course, I stumbled upon this treasure trove...

No shit! Its Oreos Heaven! Yep, the Mother of all Twist, Lick and Dunk cookies! I thought I've done and I'm at St. Oreo's Gate. I thought stacks of Oreos like these can only be found in a super market! But apparently not. The auntie I spoke to said that since the company conducts courses everyday, they stock up alot on tidbits.

And apparently what I'm seeing here is not even a month's supply of Oreos. Probably 3 weeks tops! Lets see, 2 columns of 6 boxes and 4 boxes in each row, with a depth of 3 boxes... Holy cow, thats 144 boxes of Oreos.

Man... How I wish I'm working there. I can eat Oreos till I drop dead and there would still be more Oreos around. Bloody 'ell... But noooo.... I have to be at a company where I'll be lucky if I can find a packet of 3 in 1 coffee mix in the pantry... @$%!@$#@!!!!!

And here's another picture. The auntie gamely posed and pretend to be arranging the Oreo boxes... Haha... Thengz have killed yet another auntie... Either that or Auntie Oreos probably thought I'm going mad and decided to grant me my last wish...


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