Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Taking Each Day as it Comes

Current Song in Head: You Know You're Right, Nirvana

Was talking to an old friend recently and commented to him about how working life isn't my cup of tea. They say that one should look for a job that he likes, that way the job won't be a drag. If thats the case, my job can be vaguely described as a cross-dressing drag queen.

Gone are the days where I can look forward to each day, and take each day as it comes. When you don't enjoy your job (not that I hate it, I just don't like it as much as I should), the day can be really long, it becomes easier to look forward to the weekends. So instead of taking each day as it comes, I'm beginning to take each week as it comes. Sigh...

And the only reason why I'm taking each week as it comes is because there are still weekends to look forward to. But I'm sure there will be a time, when all my weekends are wasted in front of some dumb program and I cannot even look forward to it. When that day comes, there is only the paycheck to look forward to. In other words, I'll have to take each month as it comes. Double sigh...

Boy, am I in a pessimistic mood today. Saturday afternoon can't come soon enough. Still have to work on bloody Saturday morning. Crap...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nirvana rocks! why do they have to sell out so i share my fav band wif sad kukus like u?

2:16 AM  
Blogger Thengz said...

Whatever... Just hand me your Nirvana compilation and shut up. You know you're right... You know you're right... You know your rights... *head banging*

6:18 PM  

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