Tuesday, October 04, 2005

To all the singles out there...

Current Song in Head: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing, Jack Johnson

Was daydreaming while doing some boring server installation today, and this old joke came into my mind. Especially useful if you're single and unlikely to be married any time soon. Those of you who have heard this, just bear with me.
You know how when you go to when of your relative's wedding and your aunts and uncles would start a conversation like this with you:
"Aiyoh, look at them! So sweet! I'm so glad that Ah Seng is finally getting married," Aunt Hairy Armpits exclaimed to you.
"So when will it be your turn Ah Boy?" Aunt Triple Chin chips in.
Not wanting to reveal your current single and unlikely-to-change-in-the-next-decade status, you can only smile sheepishly at them.
Well, 'fraid not, there's a solution to this...
The next time you attend a relative's funeral, just ask those aunts when it would be their turn. That should shut them up for awhile...


Blogger Patt said...

Nasty but i like it

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL.. So meanie

1:03 AM  

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