Monday, October 24, 2005

Whats wrong with the world, mama?

Stephen King must be going through a very bad patch. As a matter of fact, I think all the writers of the horror genre aren't earning much these days. Who needs to buy a horror storybook from a book store for 20 bucks when you can have one delivered to your house at just 70 cents? Yep, you read that right, 70 cents, the price of the daily horror newspaper.

These days, fact can be more frightening than fiction. Bombing in Bali, execution styled killings in Iraq, earthquake in Pakistan and India, bird flu in Europe and Asia, tsunami in the Indian Ocean, hurricane at the Gulf Coast just to name a few. It may seem as if the world is coming to an end.

And you know what pisses me off the most about all this? People are still trying to kill each other, all for the sake of 'religion'. Jeez... If there isn't enough people dying in the world already. Don't these people have better things to do? Maybe they find that life is worth living any more. If thats the case, they should volunteer themselves to find the cure for the AIDS virus or something.

Actually, if you think about it, the actions of these extremist are pretty pathetic compared to the force of nature. Here's exhibit A, the picture on the left is a picture from the Indonesian coast line after the tsunami and the picture on the right is one of the buildings bombed by a suicide bomber in Bali.

As you can probably see for yourself, the tsunami totally obliterated everything in its path. On the other hand, dumb ass bomb from dumb ass suicide bomber only helped re-decorate the building. Ok, he succeeded in killing a few people, but you got to subtract the total death count by one, cause he took his own life too. Retard.

In any case, the total death count of both the Bali bombings can't compare to what a tsunami or earthquake could do. Heck, even the total number of fatalities suffered due to the selfishness of those few terrorist cannot compare to what a single tsunami can do. If you ask me, the terrorist should employ Mother Nature to do their dirty deeds, that way, they can get more people killed. Duh...

Its funny how news of disasters seem to get more and more these days. Is the world really coming to an end? If it is coming to an end, how would it end? Greenhouse effect toasting everyone to death? Uncontainable nuclear leak? Or maybe the bird flu would start the second Black Plague and wipe out half the population of the world. I can't help but think that the human race plays a very big part in the destruction of our Earth. But one thing is for sure, the world won't be wiped out by a band of pathetic extremist! Ciao for now, in the mean time, check this out, and don't forget to watch the video!

Link courtesy of Wee Y.


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