Friday, November 25, 2005

5 Things I want.

Current Song in Head: (I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be) Free/One, Lighthouse Family

In my previous post I 'suggested' certain items that my dear readers can get for me for Christmas. Apparently, these items are too expensive. So I've created a list of the Top 5 things that I want that don't cost a dime!

Number 5 - A job that I actually like!

Not that I dislike my current job, but it just doesn't give me the excitement of getting up and going to work each day. In short it still feels like a job. What I really want is something that I enjoy doing and still brings in the dough! And since you can't get paid for being a beach bum and I'm not good enough to be a professional in-line skater, it seems like my search for a job that I really like would be rather difficult. Sigh...

Number 4 - The ability to speak a 3rd and maybe 4th language!

Yep, you heard that right. Sure hope that I would be able to converse in a 3rd language, preferbly one of the European languages. Currently I'm 'proud' to say that my 3rd language knowledge is only limited to some Spanish greetings, Hokkien swear words, and German greetings and swear words. Ficken Du!

And if I were to be able to speak a 3rd language, it would mean that I'm able to find a job which allows me to travel to Europe often. Cool... Then it'll be like one of those 'Work-as-you-travel' kind of thing. Haha... Ok, maybe it wouldn't be as good as that, but I'll bet I'll like my job more if I can travel to Europe!

Number 3 - Some direction and goals in life...

Yeah, have always been lacking direction in life. Good thing is, I seem to be able to stumble along and cope with things as they come along. But imagine if I had a vision, a goal and some direction... Woah... You suckers would be slaving for me now! Haha! So I guess you fellas should pray that I don't find direction in life... Hmmm...

Guess one of the reason why I seem to lack goals is I'm happy most of the time and I've never really been in a difficult position given the family background that I have. Yep, I lack that 'fire' to strive for the better and lack the foresight to see bad things coming. In fact, I think I'm too much of a positive thinker. Always looking on the bright side of life...

Number 2 - Be fit, without actually having to exercise!

I'll bet everyone wish that this is possible. With the new Marie France package, your dream can come true! Yeah, right... Alright, I shall not expect too much, but at least I should be able to fit by just in-line skating right?

Number 1 - More time to do the things that are important to me.

Ever since I started working, the time I have to do things that I want have been greatly reduced. And I cannot stand the fact that while I'm staring at the monitor in the office on a weekday, I could actually be rollerblading at East Coast or just laze in a swimming pool under the sun. Yeah, these things are important to me. Haha...

Kind of miss those days when we just have to study for 4 months a year and can do whatever we like for the rest of the time. Yep, 4 months, cause for the first 3 months of each university semester you shouldn't be studying.

OK, thats all for the list of things that I want which don't cost a penny. Now I just need a miracle or bags of imagination...


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