Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Call From a Looney Indian

Current Song in Head: Turn! Turn! Turn! (There Is A Season), The Byrds (that Forrest Gump Song)

I was minding my own business doing a little bit of programming and slightly a little more MSNing in office yesterday, when all of a sudden there was a phone call on my office phone. When I picked up the phone, the first sound that ravaged my ear was a booming, distinctively Indian voice.

"Hello! You got 7 seater?"

Confused and not knowing what to expect, I replied,"Who is this?"

"You got 7 seater or not?" The Indian voice demanded.

"Who are you?" I continued on not revealing anything, god knows what this insane man would do to me if I told him I had a 7-seater.

"7 seater you have? Or MPV?" The Mad Indian voice shot back.

"I think you called the wrong number, who are you?" I replied.

"I'm Ramabalamama*, you no MPV?"

Obviously this guy doesn't get it... I swore.

"What number did you dial?"

"Huh? What number I dial?" Slightly shocked, but still booming and mad Indian voice asked.

"Yes, I think you got the wrong number," I replied. Unless I'm mistaken, the last I know, my company deals in conveyor belts. Then again, I could be wrong, but thats another story for another day. One thing is for certain, my company don't deal with cars. Even my manager haven't got one of his own.

"I dial 6-XXX-XXXX, you got MPV?"

Bloody retard dialled the wrong number, and he is still asking if I got a freaking MPV. I have half the mind to shove an MPV up his arse and an SUV down his throat. But being the ever polite man I replied as politely as a polite man can,"You dialled the wrong number."

"Wrong number?!!? You no 7 seater?" The dumbass probably thinks I'm pulling his leg.

"Yes, wrong number!" I spat.

"OK," he said and finally hung up the phone.

Jeez... What a maniac, I thought. But before I could return to doing my stuff, the damn phone rang again.

"Hello! You not XXX Car Rental Service ah?"

Bloody poofter, how dumb and stubborn can one retard be? Holy crap...

"No, I am not! Bye!" and I hung up the phone.

Thankfully, there wasn't a 3rd or 4th call from the Looney Indian. In any case, it was a rather interesting distraction. I might be wrong about not being able to meet interesting people in my job if calls like this happens everyday...

*Not his real name, didn't want him to be publicly shamed in here, then again, he probably feels no shame.


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