Friday, January 27, 2006

Bored Shitless...

Current Sound in Head: Droning of server in the background.

And I thought yesterday was bad. Today is worse. My department's head count is reduced by half today. Department head not around. Manager not around. Assistant Manager not around. Mentally, work-wise, I'm not around either.

I have exhausted the people I frequently chat with online during work hours even before 11am this morning. Don't think I should start chatting with them again, lest I become an irritant. Haha...

I have half the mind to just pack up and go home after lunch. No one will miss me right? In fact, my department head doesn't even know my name. Hehe... Thats how inconspicous I am. Then again, the department head doesn't know the name of half the people under him.

Jeez... I really am blogging rubbish. This has got to be one of the most pathetic post ever. Alright, this post may be rubbish, but I'll make up for it with an awesome link. Check out Courtesy of my dear friend Wee Y. A word of warning first though, female readers will probably be pretty offended by him.


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