Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Chinese New Ear!

Been a very long time since I posted anything as I have been busy moving house. Wanted to post some pictures of my newly renovated room last night but the darn digital camera seems to have died on me.

I'm currently in the office and I'm glad to say that I managed a slight break through in my program just now. And how do I reward myself? I'm going to bum around and surf the internet for the next 15 minutes! Haha... Pathetic life of a software engineer. My time is better spent watching the mynahs feed on worms.

Anyway, going to be on half day leave to buy a new table for my new room today. Another 2 agonising hours to go before lunch time! And before I forget, Happy Chinese New Ear everyone!

The crew of the Enterprise were not impressed when Mr Spock showed off his pair of New Chinese Ears.


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