Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Better Tomorrow...

Sounds like a pretty depressing blog title huh? Thengz going through some hardship? Some life changing experience? Something difficult that makes him expect a better tomorrow? Nah... Thats just not Spaceman Spiff's style. Hehe...

A Better Tomorrow absolutely kicks ass. Yep, I'm talking about the 80s John Woo/ Chow Yun Fatt shoot 'em up flick. Direct Chinese to English translation would be 'Hero's True Colour'. o_0 Bought the 3 part DVD last weekend, and saw the first part yesterday. Nothing beats old school, slow motion, shoot-shoot, bang-bang action.

Lookie here! I'm jumping across the car with a pistol in one hand and an Uzi in the other. Baddies are shooting at me with their machine guns, but miraculously, not a single bullet hits me and every single one of my shots hit a baddie! I'm Xiao Ma Ge! Who needs Superman??!

Okay, actually that isn't really true, in the end Small Horse Brother got hit by bullets and died. But what the heck, its still a good movie. Think when the first time I caught this, I was probably a wee lad no older than 10. Can't really recall much of the storyline, then again when you're 10, you don't give a shit about storylines, just as long as the bad guys die and the good guys win can liao. Tsk... Tsk... Life as a kid sure is simple... Alrighty, time to be nostalgic/lame here's to A Better Tomorrow...


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