Monday, July 31, 2006

War F**king Crime...

The Israel-Lebanon conflict is becoming a bloody joke. What good is a cease fire when bombing are still continued?

A day after the Qana massacre, and the darn Israelis go back to shelling south Lebanon. Whatever support or sympathy the Israelis might have before all these senseless bombing began must have been eroded away after the Qana incident. And they still continue with their so called 'war'.

If the Nazi's massacre of innocent Jews is a war crime, the killing of innocent children during the Qana comes pretty close to it. And don't give me the crap about civilian casulties should be expected during war. 27 out of the 55 killed are children. I'm sure there are alot of 2 year old children that carry rocket launchers and fire into Israel, but these children were sleeping might I add. I wonder how the hell the Israeli 'Generals' are going to live with this...

First they hit a UN outpost, and claim that they identified the wrong target. Now this. Don't tell me with all they're high-tech gizmos, the Israelis can't identify the correct target? Bet they used the same equipment that the Americans used to 'discover' nuclear weapons in Iraq. Crap...

All this load of bull, kind of makes you wonder what these Israeli 'Generals' say when they return home to their family.

"Honey, I'm home! Destroyed a few buildings with innocent children today."

"Wow! Then you must really have had a good day at the office! We should really celebrate with our kids tonight! Lets bring them out to the movies or something."

There better be a War Crime Trial after all this blow over. Those Israeli 'Generals' should be hanged for this. Strong words, but its only fair. Don't tell me that just because you're an ally with the big US of A, you can get away with killing innocent children.
For the sake of these Israeli 'Generals', I sure as hell hope that their god is the war-loving, children killing type, cause thats the only way they are going score brownie points for their after-life...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hong Kong in a Different Light

Had a short walk around my Hong Kong estate today and managed to take some interesting photos.

Sign at the Pier

Fishing Boat

Evening Walk

Fishing Village

Setting Sun

Girl Playing at the Water Fountain

A Humane Thing to Do...

Was talking to my colleague just now. It was 3p.m. in the afternoon. He mentioned that he has forgotten to eat and has a stomachache. Too busy with work, not much appetite, and don't really like the food in Hong Kong anyway.

If I ever forget to eat despite a persisting stomachache and yet still have no appetite to eat, just put a bullet in my skull and put me out of my misery. Its the humane thing to do.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Coldplay Concert, Hong Kong

The name may be Coldplay, but the playing was anything but cold Damn that was a friggin' corny sentence, but I'm using it anyway. Anyway, I was at the Asia Expo Arena at 7pm, an hour before the starting time. Met a couple of my NUS orientation camp friends there, and sat down for a drink. Hmmmm... Totally forgot to take a picture with them. Darn...

Anyway, after the drink, we took out our tickets and I realised that, my ticket was missing! D'oh! Worst nightmare situation. OK, wasn't much of a nightmare, I ended going to the box office, told them about my missing tickets and they replaced my ticket after verifying my handphone number. Minor hiccup, but I'm not missing my Coldplay concert.

I bought the most expensive tickets, while Shichao and Sharon bought the slightly cheaper ones, so I was alone for the concert. Being the kiasu Singaporean, we headed into the concert hall before 8pm even though we know that concerts never start on time. As expected, the hall was still pretty empty. One interesting to note, there is a very high percentage of ang mohs at the concert. Kinda figures, Coldplay doesn't sing in Cantonese, so I guess not as many locals will be interested. Besides, S.H.E. are having a concert on the same day at a different venue. S.H. who? Ya, exactly, I've never heard of them either.

Before the concert began, I made some small talk with the ang moh beside me. He also came to the concert alone, works for the regional office, travels to China and Taiwan for business, has a relatively large apartment at Discovery Bay facing the mountains, comes from a town between London and Oxford, feels that the current Hong Kong weather is hotter than the Singapore weather. And in reply I told him I'm also at the concert alone, colleagues more into the chinese music scene, got sent to HK by Singapore company to build baggage handling system, travelled to Panama recently for work, shares a pathetically small apartment with 3 colleagues at Tung Chung, comes from Singapore, feels that London's weather is bad most of the time (I was being polite).

Thats quite an amount of talk we had there, and apparently he was told by somebody that Coldplay won't be on till 9pm. And I told him that I have half the mind to charge to the stage the moment the lights went off. He probably thought I was kidding. I was not.

Anyway, the moment the lights went out, sure enough, everyone rushed towards the stage. And like a man possessed, I stepped over the chairs in front of me, ran towards the barrier that separated me from the first block of seats and the stage (I was on the second block), and leapt over the barrier. I was home free! Or so I thought. I felt a hand grab me by the back of my shoulder and shoving me through a gap in the barrier and wham, I'm back in the second block. Damn. So near yet so far, literally.

And so Coldplay began their set, here's some of the pictures I took. Well at least I was close enough to the stage, better off than some of the people at the back of the concert hall. To quote Chris Martin,"How's the people doing back there? This must be the first time I played a concert in 2 different time zones."

Countdown clock at the beginning of 'Square One' song.

Yellow Balloons during the first hit single, erm, 'Yellow'.

Chris Martin being amused with himself on the giant screen.

Obawe Owasume, the goon that shoved me back into block 2 and away from the stage.

Fireworks on the stage. Digital Fireworks, not the real thing.

Explosion of white lights.

Sea of People. Note the ang moh count.

Kids enjoying the day out with their dads, Obawe Owasume looking goon-like for the crowd.

Band of Four

The End.

Certainly had a hell of a good time at the concert. After 5 years, alot have changed, there are more glitzy lights and even a digital screen, but the band is still pretty much the same. But I must say, I prefer their first 2 albums more than the 3rd one. Think Coldplay is one of the few things that can make me go amok. Haha... I feel like a freaking 16 year old girl who just saw NoWestlife now.

P.S. There are more photos on my flikr album if you're interested.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Shit... I wouldn't want to be her boyfriend. The pressure must be immense... o_0

Tickets for Coldplay in Hong Kong

This could well be the highlight of my stay in HK. The Coldplay Concert. 780 Hong Kong dollars, whopping 160 Singapore dollars. Damn, I already feel guilty saying this. This is even more expensive than those JBL Creature Speakers. But hey, its Coldplay. All will be forgiven in due time. Haha...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Here's My Inspiration.

OK, at least my inspiration for the forseeable future. Travel round the world. Damn. I probably have to do this before I'm 30. By the time you're 30, its probably too late to enjoy anything. Adults always don't seem to enjoy their life. Well, thats true at least for the adults I know.

I've made a rough calculation, I will probably need S$23,561.43 to make this possible. Anyone wants to fulfill my life long dream can send an e-mail to me or drop a comment for the address to send their cheque to. Many thanks in advance.
P.S. I'm not kidding. E-mail me. Hehehe...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Rocky Balboa is Back!

What next? Superman? Oh wait a minute....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Absolutely Hilarious...

I was busy compiling a User Manual in my Hong Kong apartment. And suddenly there is call on the mobile. Its a local (Hong Kong) number, expecting it to be a colleague calling from the Airport, I picked it up.

Before I even had a chance to say 'hello', the lady on the other end began chattering none stop in Cantonese, presumably trying to sell a product. I let this go on for about 30 seconds before I interrupted her, "Sorry, I don't know Cantonese."

Immediately, she bade her farewell in Cantonese and hung up. Hahahaha! Now I know how to handle sales call back in Singapore. The next time somebody calls me to push a sale, I shall reply with a thick German/Spanish/Italian accent and say that I don't speak Mandarin/English/Malay/Tamil. Haha!

Eat or be Eaten

They always tell me: eat or be eaten. I guess in my case, its to be eaten...

You scored as Eaten. Your death will be death by wild animals. You will probably get eaten by a bear or shark something because you don't know the natural safety precautions and are ignorant.



Natural Causes












Cut Throat












How Will You Die??
created with

Hongkie Tongkie

Been slightly more than a week since I landed in Hong Kong and from what I've seen so far, Hong Kong is very much like Singapore in many ways. Public transport is as efficient, maybe even more efficient. People are always walking briskly. Slight difference in the escalator system here in Hong Kong though, the slow pokes keep to the right and those in a hurry breeze past on the left.

If anyone is into branded goods, Hong Kong is the place to shop in. There is practically a branded boutique round every corner in the city. Prada, Gucci, LV, you name they have it. The tai tais of Hong Kong must be so lucky. Haha... Talking about branded stuff, do you know that the 'brand' Goldlion actually have a restaurant, bar and hair saloon? Yep, crazy stuff... Evidence as shown below.

The lighting is a little bad, so if you do go to HK, drop by their 'Mohd Sultan', Lan Kwai Fong and see it for yourself. Here's a picture of Lan Kwai Fong, looks rather typically HK, bright billboards and all.

And guess who I saw at Lan Kwai Fong?

I have no idea who he is either. Haha... If he is famous, somebody please tell me but there certainly alot of cameras around him. Could be a model, could be an actor, looks a little like Aaron 'Use-to-have-centre-parting' Kwok but I'm certain its not him. Oh yes, the convertable beamer he's in doesn't look too bad either.

I seem to have this thing about the colours of the sky ever since the flight to Panama. The Hong Kong sky line is no difference. Pinkish/purplish hue in the evening sky. Nice...

Alrighty, thats all for now. I have some other photos in my camera but am a little lazy to upload them. Will get to that when i'm in the mood again. Thats all folks!

P.S. Anybody coming to HK in the coming weeks? Drop me a message!