Friday, April 06, 2007

Good People

Current Song in Head: Good People, Jack Johnson

Ever wonder why there are some people that always seem to be pissed with others. And on the other spectrum of the equation, there are those people that are never ever pissed with anyone? Personally, I think I belong more to the latter group, although there are times when I'm pissed with somebody, but it would blow over after awhile and everything would be fine and peachy again.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this post is because of 2 recent incidents that happened to me or friends around me. Won't specifically go into the details of these incidents, but I'm just wondering, how come there are people that can hold a grudge for 2-3 years and why is it that there are people that who can find the energy to be pissed/angry with someone. Man... I find being angry absolutely energy sapping.

You know what they say, it takes 43 muscles to frown but only 17 muscles to smile. So people should be smiling and be happy more. But then again, it takes exactly 0 muscles to not do anything at all. So I'm going to be nonchalant from now on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JeWeL boX: it's so True.. bearing a grudge or being not able to forgive & forget is making more damage to your own body. & the other person most probably dunno anything about it.

1:09 AM  

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