Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Stop Griping, Singaporeans...

I can sense another wave of complains coming from us, Singaporeans. Before you fellas start complaining about the increase in taxes, raise in civil servants' pay, raise in ministers' pay, etc. Do take a moment and think about how the rest of the world is suffering. Found this gem of a video on Kobacabana's site. Please bear with the first 4 minutes of talking. Its worth it.

Aren't Singaporeans a lucky bunch? You can give me over paid ministers with a stable government over a trigger happy, molotov cocktail wielding neighbour any day.

So please, please, enjoy what you have. You wouldn't want to wake up one day, to find that your house has been razed to the ground. Your family has been massacred and all you're left with is the clothes on your back and an empty, growling stomach.

P.S. Somehow I couldn't get the video in Flash to work on my site. You could go to Kobacabana's site for the Flash video which shows much clearer images.


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