Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm not a logical person!??!

This has got to be the first IQ test I did which tells me I don't have a logical mind! And my verbal intelligence is exceptional! I'm not a stammering retard afterall! Boy, am I in a cynical mood today....

Your IQ Is 110

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional

Your General Knowledge is Above Average

Bored Shitless...

Current Sound in Head: Droning of server in the background.

And I thought yesterday was bad. Today is worse. My department's head count is reduced by half today. Department head not around. Manager not around. Assistant Manager not around. Mentally, work-wise, I'm not around either.

I have exhausted the people I frequently chat with online during work hours even before 11am this morning. Don't think I should start chatting with them again, lest I become an irritant. Haha...

I have half the mind to just pack up and go home after lunch. No one will miss me right? In fact, my department head doesn't even know my name. Hehe... Thats how inconspicous I am. Then again, the department head doesn't know the name of half the people under him.

Jeez... I really am blogging rubbish. This has got to be one of the most pathetic post ever. Alright, this post may be rubbish, but I'll make up for it with an awesome link. Check out Courtesy of my dear friend Wee Y. A word of warning first though, female readers will probably be pretty offended by him.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Chinese New Ear!

Been a very long time since I posted anything as I have been busy moving house. Wanted to post some pictures of my newly renovated room last night but the darn digital camera seems to have died on me.

I'm currently in the office and I'm glad to say that I managed a slight break through in my program just now. And how do I reward myself? I'm going to bum around and surf the internet for the next 15 minutes! Haha... Pathetic life of a software engineer. My time is better spent watching the mynahs feed on worms.

Anyway, going to be on half day leave to buy a new table for my new room today. Another 2 agonising hours to go before lunch time! And before I forget, Happy Chinese New Ear everyone!

The crew of the Enterprise were not impressed when Mr Spock showed off his pair of New Chinese Ears.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Japanese Men are Damn Smart!

After watching Memoirs of a Geisha over the weekend, I just realised that Japanese men are god damn smart. Where else in a world can you find fat people (sumos) worshipped like gods and women dedicated to a career that 'services' their men? If you ask me, those bloody Japs got everything figured out centuries ago!

Monday, January 16, 2006

I've Died and Gone to Hell

Current Song in Head: Bloody Chinese New Year song, what else?

I've definitely died and gone to hell. As if work isn't bad enough, my colleague's computer have been playing the same Chinese New Year song over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Since morning. It is so bad that I might even want to listen to Britney Spears. Then again, maybe not. Nothing is worst than Britney...

Friday, January 13, 2006

What is my perfect Major?

Wow... I'm suppose to be a Journalist? What the f**k?!?! I just wasted 4 friggin' years! And on a side note, it comes as not surprise that both me and Wee Y scored a miserable 8% for majoring in Chemistry. Bloody Miss Mok Lai Koin!

You scored as Journalism. You are an aspiring journalist, and you should major in journalism! Like me, you are passionate about writing and expressing yourself, and you want the world to understand your beliefs through writing.





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Working Saturdays are Here To Stay

by Lim Peh

Despite the mounting pressure to make working Saturdays a thing of the past, the management of Intra-Rover Engineering Limited still stand by their stance and maintain that working Saturdays would remain.

With more and more companies adhering to a 5 day work week, Intra-Rover remains one of the few listed company that makes alternate Saturday mornings a mandatory working half-day. This lack of change has been rather demoralising for the employees of the company.

When asked for his opinion on the matter, Ah Lim, who has been a loyal employee of Intra-Rover for 5 years, said, "Aiyah, now 21st century, should modernise mah, even the garh-men sector also have 5 day work week, why shouldn't we?" Ah Lim's colleague, Ah Hock, was quick to add, "Really buay ta-han the management, not only do they expect us to work until 6:30 everyday, they still expect us to come back on Saturday, si bei sian ah! Like that where got mood to Saturday Night Fever!?"

Ah Hock, in an undated file picture

Besides imposing a mandatory alternate working Saturdays rule, Intra-Rover is also known to provide the company transport at 6:30 in the evening, one hour after the official working time. Since the company is located in the heart of Inner Siberia, the employees have little choice but to stay the extra hour and take the company transport.

When the management was queried about their stance on the unpopular alternate Saturday move, company Minister Mentor Lam Yap had this to say. "It has been a long standing tradition for the employees Intra-Rover to work on Saturdays and I see no need to change it. I'll have you know that when I single-handedly started the company, I worked 8 days a week!" When told that there was only 7 days a week, MM Lam muttered something about his laundry being in the rain and walked away.

MM Lam: single-handedly started Intra-Rover and works 8 days a week.

Company spokesperson, Ms Lai Pui Pui added, "Since our company are currently short-handed, we feel to be able to complete our jobs in time, we should stick to the alternate working Saturdays rule. It has served us well before, and I'm sure it'll serve us well in the future. In fact, I'm sure that this would be a tradition that carry us into the 22nd century."

Ms Lai Pui Pui, carrying tradition and a whole lot more.

A recent poll of the company's employees revealed a worrying trend. 74% of the employees feel that they will move onto a job that does not have working Saturdays within the next 2 years, while 20% are not sure if they will change their jobs. A surprising 6% either do not understand the question or are hardcore workaholics will only stay in the job if the company makes all Saturdays a working Saturday. Of the 74% that wish to change their job in the next 2 years, 93% of them are employees below management level.

Despite such damning statistics, MM Lam was still very much in denial. "I single-handedly started the company by working 8 days a week! Tradition is tradition! No one should change it! If I'm still giving Ang Baos to my grandchildren, then I don't see why we shouldn't work on alternate Saturdays!"

Monday, January 09, 2006

Something Pointless

Current Song in Head: Danny Boy, Harry Connick Jnr

Was watching one of my favourite movies of yesteryears, Memphis Belle. Its about this group of 10 US boys who fly a B-17 Bomber during the Second World War. Anyway, here's a totally pointless joke from the ball turret gunner, Rascal.

A British plane was shot down over Germany and the pilot bailed out of the plane. He landed badly, breaking a few bones in the process and was easily capture by the German army.

When he was brought to the hospital for the prisoners, he was told that his right leg had to be amputated. This is when he made his strange request.

British Pilot: Doctor, could you ask one of your pilots to drop my right leg over England?

German Doctor: Ja, I guess I could do that.

British Pilot: Thanks a million!

The following week, the British Pilot was told that his left leg had to be amputated. Once again, he made his strange request.

British Pilot: Doctor, could you ask one of your pilots to drop my left leg over England?

German Doctor: Ja, I zuppose I could do that.

British Pilot: Thanks a million!

The next week, the British Pilot was told that his right arm had to be amputated. Once again, he made his request.

British Pilot: Doctor, could you ask one of your pilots to drop my right arm over England?

German Doctor: Nein! This I can do no more!

British Pilot: Why, Doctor?!?

German Doctor: Ve think you are trying to ez-cape!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Yawn... Whats new? Its just another New Year.

Current Phrase in Head: 'Where is my son Akeem?!?!' - King Jeffery Joffer II Ruler of Zamunda from Coming to America

Another 365 days, another year has gone. 2005 certainly has been one of the more defining years in my short existence. I'm finally done with 'studying', and have found a 'job' and am 'working' in a 'listed company'. Wow, thats alot of open inverted commas.

The past 6 months have certainly gone by pretty quick and I must say it hasn't turned out to be anything like I thought. As a matter of fact, I think its pretty difficult for things to turn out the way you think it would be when you don't think at all. Haha. Thats a mouthful.

This is the part where I should get all sentimental and weepy. Maybe lament about what could have been or what should have been in 2005. Blah... But I'm a busy man, I've got lots of crap to spew, no time for serious stuff. Hehe... And nope, I'm not going to tell you what my New Year 'resolutions' are, cause I haven't got any. Or rather, I disguise my New Year Resolutions pretty well...

Instead, I shall bore you with the things that I am looking forward to in 2006!

1. World Cup 2006!

What else? Any male that does not look forward to this seriously has issues. You might want to check on his, erm, 'manhood'. All the greatest footballers of our generation and some of the worst footballers/thugs/rugby players/hooligans are gonna be in Germany this summer. Its going to be an entire month of late nights and football matches. Cool... I'm already drooling with anticipation as I type this.

2. 'Business' Trip to Panama

A man, a plan, a canal, Panama! For those of you that aren't in touch with me/don't know who I am/don't give a shite, I'll be off to Panama for about 2 months from late February onwards. Wow. Panama. How many of you even know where that is? For your information, Panama is in Central America and the famous Panama Canal that links the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean is there. OK, enough of the geography class. I'll be in Panama for work, so I guess it won't be all fun and games, but I sure hope I can squeeze out some time to go snap pictures all over Panama City!

3. New Room!

This shouldn't be too long a wait. I should be able to move into my newly renovated room in a few weeks time and it'll be bye bye to the small and cramp room that I'm currently staying in. And for once, my room would be one of the nicer room in the house. Yep, I'm gonna get a room that is bigger than my maid's room!

4. In-line Skating

I've probably blabbed enough about in-line skating in my previous posts. But I still can't wait for the next time I hit East Coast Park. Now that I have a pair of fitness skates and a pair of free skates, I'll probably get one of those ankle breaking speed skates at the end of 2006.

5. Board/Card Games!

Just picked up a latest craze. I've began playing board games and card games with some friends. Childish it may sound, but hey, I've probably reached my mental peak during my second year of university. Guess its only right that I degenerate from irresponsible university student who loves blading to an irresponsible working adult who loves playing board games.

I'm currently the proud owner/co-owner of the following games.

  1. Gloom
  2. I'm the Boss
  3. Landlord
  4. Giza
  5. Risk
  6. Guillotine

If anyone decides that they wish to go to Settlers Cafe for some fun with friends, do check with me first, I might have the game that you want to play. I don't have the fish and chips or calamari though.

6. Liking my job!

Haha. Of course its a joke. Alright, I'll try to like my work but if that doesn't 'work out', I can't wait to find a job I like instead. But first, there is the Panama visit (see point number 2).

Alrighty, thats all to my list of things to look forward to in 2006. Until next time, a-badi, a-badi, thats all folks!